Gracefield Early Education Centre Info Pack
Centre Brochure
Gracefield Early Childhood Centre’s Whānau Information Brochure 2021.
All the info in one place
Check out our handy checklist of things we need before your child starts at GECC
Before you start with us
Food and Nutrition
Our centre menu
Children are provided with a healthy nutritious meal 4 days of the week; this is prepared by our experienced cook. Morning tea, afternoon tea, and late snacks are also provided. Thursdays are lunch box days where all children must supply their own lunch, morning and afternoon tea snacks
Emergency Information
Procedures and Register
Please provide an ice cream container full of food that is appropriate for your child in the event of a Civil Defence emergency. This forms part of our emergency supplies kit that is left at the centre in preparation of an emergency. Our Health and Safety Officers are Christina and Jenni. Please see them for more details. Water is supplied by the centre. Please familiarise your selves with our emergency procedures; these are located on our health and safety board by the sign in area in the main foyer.
Our Policies
How we run the centre
All centre policies are available to view online and at the centre. Policies are reviewed and re-issued annually
Whanau portal
Educa is a web-based portfolio of a child's growth and development at an early childhood centre. It allows parents and early childhood teachers to share a child's journey and gain valuable feedback.