Education Review Office Reports
ERO (Education Review Office) is an independent, external evaluation agency that undertakes reviews of schools and early childhood services throughout New Zealand.
Reviews are intended to focus on outcomes for children and build on each centre’s self review.
ERO's framework for reviewing and reporting is based on four review strands:
Quality of education - including the quality of the programme provided for children,
Quality of the learning environment
Quality of the interactions between staff and children and how these impact on outcomes for children.
Additional Review Priorities - other aspects of the operation of a centre, may be included in the review. ERO will not include this strand in all reviews.
National Evaluation Topics - This strand contributes to the development of education policies and their effective implementation. The information from this strand is aggregated by ERO for its national evaluation reports. Topics for investigation are changed regularly to provide up-to-date information.
Compliance with Legal Requirements - assurance that this centre has taken all reasonable steps to meet legal requirements.