Gracefield Early Childhood Centre Brochure
Kia ora, Talfoa lava, Bonjour, Welcome
We are an Incorporated Society operated by a management committee made up of parents and the Centre Manager. Our centre is a community based non-profit organisation.
We provide care and education for children from the ages of 6 months to 5yrs.
Our centre is licensed for 38 children, up to 10 under two-years old and 27 children over two years of age.
We are open from 7:30am-6.00pm Monday to Thursday and 7.30am to 5.30pm Friday.
As at 29 August 2022
Under two’s - $70 per day/$325 per week.
Over two’s and under three-years old - $65per day/ $305 per week.
Over three-years old - $38.32 per day/$219.40 per week (with the 20-hour ECE subsidy included).
All our teaching staff are either fully qualified or in training. We have an adult child ratio of 1 : 3.5 for children under two years of age and a maximum ratio of 1 : 6.2 for children over two years.
Teaching and Learning Programme
Our centre offers a large open outdoor area and spacious indoors.
We are a diverse multicultural centre that aims to provide highest quality care and education for children.
Our learning programme follows the principles and goals of Te Whāriki (New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum).
Each child will be assigned a learning portfolio, which parents can access on-line or find located in their child’s room.
Food and Nutrition
Children are provided with a healthy nutritious meal 4 days of the week; this is prepared by our experienced cook.
Morning tea, afternoon tea, and late snacks are also provided.
Thursdays are lunch box days where all children must supply their own lunch, morning and afternoon tea snacks.
Please no peanuts/nuts of any kind.
Healthy meals/snacks preferred.
No lollies or chocolate please.
We strongly support those choosing to continue breastfeeding and have quiet, comfortable spaces for this. Alternatively, for children using formula it is important to keep all bottles clearly labeled and stored in our fridge.
If your child has any allergies, please communicate this in the enrolment form and to the cook or Centre Manager so that it can be recorded on our allergies list. A preventative medicine register needs to be completed for medication that is ongoing, for example, an Epi-pen, Insulin, asthma inhaler etc.
Any medication needing to be administered must be written in our medicine book and signed by a parent. This will be checked by a staff member and signed once administered. Any additional information that staff may need to know can be written in the diary next to the sign in register. Paracetamol cannot be administered unless prescribed by a Dr for a specific complaint or illness.
When your child arrives at the centre it is important that you provide a bag of several changes of clothing, as we often provide water play and messy play experiences for children.
All clothing must be clearly labelled.
During the winter and summer months we will need an appropriate hat clearly named to stay at the centre.
Please supply gumboots for winter use.
Please supply a wet bag for wet/soiled clothing.
A locker will be assigned to you to store your child’s belongings.
A parent pocket will also be assigned to you and this needs to be checked on a regular basis for any notices, newsletters etc. This is located in the hallway area.
Signing in at the centre
On arrival it is very important that you sign your child in and out of each day using the sign-in register.
This is Ministry of Education funding requirement.
If your child is in nappies a cubby hole in the children’s bathroom will be assigned to you to store these.
A staff member will alert you when your nappy supplies are running low.
Children are changed on a regular basis by a permanent staff member and all changes are recorded on a nappy chart.
We aim to follow children’s individual routines at the centre.
If you would like your child to have a nap at the centre we will provide all bedding required however you are more than welcome to bring your child’s own special comfort item if required.
We will need to be provided with a copy of your child’s immunisation certificate/status. This will be kept for statistical purposes, and your child may be excluded from care at the outbreak of any Infectious illness that your child is not immunised for. If your child is not immunised you must inform us so that we can keep them safe should an outbreak occur.
Working Bee
To be able to keep our fees at a reasonable level, we are reliant on the support of parents and whānau.
It is essential in order to maintain and improve our environment for your child that we have support in this. Without this, there is a considerable maintenance cost to the centre, so we really appreciate your support.
Working bees are held three to four times a year and each family, (one person per family is fine), is asked to participate at least once.
An annual roster is developed with dates that are flexible to change. Working Bees are held on Saturday or Sunday mornings from 9.00am to 12.00pm, approx., morning tea is provided, your children are most welcome to attend.
Alternatively, you may opt out of participating by paying a yearly maintenance fee of $65.00.
Due to funding regulations, if your child has not attended the centre after three continuous weeks your enrollment will need to be cancelled or reconfirmed.
If your child is going to be absent for a period, or won’t be attending the centre due to illness, please inform the Centre Manager either by email at or leave a message on the centre answer phone 04 569 6500.
All centre policies are available to view online. There are also 2 policy booklets located in the locker room for you to borrow. Please return these when you have read them.
Civil Defence Containers
Please provide an ice cream container full of food that is appropriate for your child in the event of a Civil Defence emergency.
This forms part of our emergency supplies kit that is left at the centre in preparation of an emergency.
When filling this container please avoid foods that are dried and need to be reconstituted (noodles and/or rice etc.), or food that are likely to make children thirsty (chippies/salty crackers etc.) as water, while available, may be limited.
Our Health and Safety Officers are Jenni. and Joeve Please see Jenni or Joeve for more details.
Water is supplied by the centre. Please familiarise yourselves with our emergency procedures; these are located on our health and safety board by the sign in area in the main foyer.
If you have any queries or concerns you are free to contact Jenni, the Centre Manager. Ph (04) 569 6500, or via email Jenni works 6 hours per day, usually between 8.30 & 3.30
Reusable Bags
We ask families to provide a waterproof bag for their child's wet/soiled clothing. As single-use plastic bags are no longer availablewe have a supply of reusable bags for sale at $10.00 each upon enrolment. These will be used for the purpose of placing the children’s wet clothes in. They should be named and left in the children’s bags daily.
Checklist - to be provided before starting
Named clothing
Named sunhat or woollen hat to be left at the centre (season dependent)
A named ice cream container with emergency supplies for your child
A copy of your child’s Immunisation certificate – to the Centre Manager
A copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport
Returned the enrolment form – to the Centre Manager
Medications, if required for severe allergies
Spare clothing to be left in your child’s bag daily
Nappies and formula if applicable
Set up your fee’s payment via internet banking