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Food and Nutrition

Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are provided at the centre except on Thursdays when parents provide a lunch box.

The meals provided consist of both fresh and cooked items. In general, lunch consists of a hot meal and a dessert.

Water is available at all times, there is also an outdoor water fountain for the children to access at any time.

Infants over the age of 6 months and other children unable to drink independently are held semi upright when being fed. Any infant milk food given to a child under the age of 12 months is a type approved by the child’s parent.

As far as possible any children with allergies or alternative food requirements (e.g. cultural requirements) will be catered for. Information on allergies is sought from parents or enrolment forms and a list of children with allergies is kept in the kitchen.

Individual requirements will be discussed and practical arrangements made.

All allergies will be recorded on a preventative medicine form.

Parents are invited to bring a cake to celebrate their child’s birthday with the other children in the centre.

Hand washing will occur before and after eating.
Children are constantly supervised whilst eating.

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