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Rapunga Whakaaro

Gracefield Early Childhood Centre acknowledges the dual heritage of Aotearoa New Zealand by upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a living document between Māori and other Tangata Tiriti.

Our philosophy is based on the values of:


Manaakitanga : Aroha, Empathy, Respect and kindness

We value each tamaiti, whānau member and Kaiako as individuals and recognise their importance within the centre community. We recognise our physical environment as the third teacher and value the importance of nurturing and caring for it . We aim to foster a learning environment that encourages empathy, cooperation, kindness, caring and trust, to support our tamariki to grow as competent and confident learners.

Kotahitanga : Oneness, Unity and Togetherness

We value and support children’s well-being and belonging. We uphold children’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through reciprocal relationships, meaningful interactions, intentional teaching and spontaneous moments.

Whanaungatanga : Whakapapa, Whanau, belongoing and Connections

Trusting, reciprocal relationships between children, Whānau and Kaiako are the foundation for children’s learning.  We treat each other with respect, and in ways that are equitable for all, to build partnership and trust.

We believe in fostering an environment which:

  • Builds on each child's strengths and most absorbing interests;

  • Challenges children's intellectual capacity, social and emotional intelligence

  • Respects and accepts individual differences and diversity; and

  • Promotes partnerships and opportunities for parents/whanau to become actively involved in their child's learning.

We acknowledge the importance of our Pacific culture, language and identity. We provide a culturally responsive environment that respects and reflects Pacific ethnicities. (i.e. implementing a cultural week annually where we celebrate cultural awareness within our community). We wish for children to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body, and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.

(Reference: Te Whāriki)



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