Ngā Kererū
3.5 years to 5 years
Ngā Kererū room is entirely focused on providing learning opportunities that extend upon your child's interests and incorporates developing the skills and knowledge that your child needs for school into their play. The room is well equipped with resources and the environment caters for the needs of all ngā kererū. Our experienced teachers also provide an excellent foundation for ngā kererū, extending their learning.
The Kereru teachers are Kethura (Team leader), My & Karen
A day with ngā Kererū
Welcome friends
Rūma Kererū doors open, free play until 9.30am. Greeting tamariki and whānau, core curriculum activities provided. Children freely transition between rūma Kererū and rūma Tūi 8.30am-9.30am.
Tidy up time
Ko te wa whakapai (tidy up time) tamariki and kaiako work as team to tidy up then we meet together on the mat before hand-washing and kai.
Kai song and kai time
Morning Tea
Free play time until all tamariki finished kai, then children can choose to play either inside or in the outdoor playground. On Tuesday afternoon the 3-5 year old children are able to participate in the Playball session during term times. There is an additional charge for this activity as we pay a coach to come to the centre to provide Playball.
Free play
10.30am - 12.00pm
Free play
Outdoor play, free play, activities based around our planning for individual tamariki or groups of tamariki.
12.00pm - 12.30pm
Kai song and kai time
12.30pm - 2.45pm
Free play/core curriculum activities
Free play-core curriculum activities, indoor/outdoor play, activities based around children's interests. Monday-science activity with Anne, Tuesday and Wednesday-publishing stories with Maria, Thursday-Baking with Jenni or Maria and Friday-Gardening.
2.45pm - 3.05pm
Kai song and kai time
Afternoon Tea
3.05pm - 5.00pm
Free play
Free play, art and craft, active movement, visiting flamingos and ducklings, write in our daily diary with children's ideas, farewell some tamariki and whanau, chat with parents on pick up, tamariki help to tidy at 4.45.
5.00pm - 6.00pm
Free play, usually inside once the weather turns cooler. Late snack time, tidy up time, home time.
Home Time